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About us

Dennis Rodinger

Bild vom Eigentümer

I have always been fascinated by nature. I got started with the topic of bonsai through the enthusiasm for koi keeping in 2017. I saw a koi pond around the bonsai on the internet. I thought to myself when I have my own house later I will also have bonsai around my pond.

Like most of those who get into the bonsai hobby, I started with a Ficus Ginseng from the retail trade. It quickly became clear to me when I did some research on the subject of bonsai on the Internet that my tree had little to do with it. I then made my first attempts with tree nursery products. Because the price for a handsome tree was too expensive for me. I thought I could do that myself. That there is not only good to be found on the Internet, I quickly realized that some of my first trees did not survive the risky techniques that are often shown in demonstrations.

Since failures aroused even more ambition in me, I stayed at it.

The turning point for me came when I discovered the Bonsai Mirai youtube channel. I was overwhelmed by the way Ryan Neil is imparting knowledge. This questioning of the techniques one uses, the love for detail, the respect for nature and the striving for more, exactly applied to me.

So in 2018 I started to acquire my current knowledge with the help of Bonsai Mirai Live.

In 2021 I founded my company HAPPY BONSAI.

With this I want to introduce you to the hobby bonsai,

as well as for advanced users to improve your bonsai collection.

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